Nobody can stop podemos from wining Spain 2015 elections
Spain moderates parties had demontrate they did not even understand what is happening
Given that a major part of what is happening have link with digital sceince and nobody can understant such phenomenons bether than a digital science researcher i had decided to present Spain moderates parties and the Government different solutions , to stop Podemos from growing and win 2015 elections
For this purpose starting from today they can do the following things
As Spain moderates parties know that Podemos are presenting different problems but they do not have solutions to solve what they have been talking about moderates parties can use an inteligent strategy to make them start loose credibility
For this purpose they can
consider that Podemos had put a diagnosis and identify serious problems which are affecting Europe Union and Spain they can tanks them for the jobs they had done and consider that they are creating a usefull political competition which will help Spain democracy and which will be for the benefit of the people because like this others majors parties will work hard to find solutions to solve Spain citizens problems but this is not all because the neew Bruxelles admnistrations will be forced to make radical changes
In this conteste moderats parties can agree that Europe Union had different stupid rules ,ideas, projects which must be changed but in order to force those changes it must exist strong voices and mouvment as Podemos
By this ocasion Modertes Parties in order to help Podemos in his mission he will present them a list of different other problems which are affecting Europe Union , people lives and economies Using this strategy Spanish citizens will realise that EU problems are bigger than they knew up to know,and Podemos did not know about all of them
Why moderate parties can use this strategy ?
If Spanish citizens will realize that problems are biger than when Moderates Party will bring solutions to solve them the political impact will be higher
Because of this after Moderates Parties will present Podemos a big list of European Unions problems they can tell them
"" Okey we have a big list of grave problems which are affecting Spain now lets find solutios to solve them """
Giving that for every problem we have got genuine solutions which had been found by a group of international researchers ,after a certain time moderate parties can lauch a compaign in such a way people can see that they are inviting Podemos to join them and bring solutions to solve the existing problems ,
Using this strategy Podemos will be under pressure and they will start having seriously problems
Mean while MP can continue with a campaign informing people that Podemos are not bringing solutions ...
Until then up to 15 July as a big parte of students their mother and grand mother will be more concentrated in what is related with school ,University ,than fotbal ,we had prepared special political issue and genuine projects concepts which will help moderates parties create a huge wave of interest among students their parents ,grand parents relatives and friends
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