Wednesday, May 28, 2014

13Spain big problems which can make people to revolte and force the Gov to resign

Millions od Spain citizens are so revolted and ready to take strong actions

 A big parte of them are so motivated and they beleave that Podemos can change the political desteny of the people and the country

Until them as Podemos know until October Europe Union  will discuss and negociate hiden interest behind doors ,in order to descouraje them to play those dirty games ,they are going to take strong actions

 This time yhey want to force radical changes in Spain and in the same time oblige new Bruxelles administration to make also the  necessary ones in their admnistration

Taking into consideration that from 25 May until october the new Bruxelles admin will start making negociations behing dors ,Spanish and different EU citizens will take strong actions

in order to force force Spain and Bruxelles to make  changes for the benefit of the people
Until then in order to create a better e political competition in Spain as an economical  and digital researcher i had decided to present  a   list of problems which are affecting people lives and Spain economies

1) According to good governance principles beford a country can need money to cover his needs he must create touristics products ,know how transfer events concepts because if they promote them monday ,friday thousands professionals and worl wild tourist will come to the country and by this occassion apart of the money they will get it will be created jobs in ...
Apart of this the country will get some more money  from the download of ebooks ,tools which will be edited after the event

Spain despite his touristic and know how transfer potential ,he did not use those good governance basic principles to  help the country get billions of euro and create millions of jobs but this is not wall because instead to do what is necessary to get money to voves the country bugedt needs ,the governement ,authorities and companies had cut salaries ,dissmiss people etc
This situation is similar with that when Cristiano have a pain in his leg and the doctor instead to treat him in the right way he will ordon to cut his leg and then send him to play against Barcelon and Lionel Messi

2) Spain have a very young and talented people Taking into consideration that the two more viable economic activities areas are tourism and know how transfer industries ,Spain Universities supposed to organise know how transfer events combined with touristic products and give students possibility to win money working part time in those project
3) According to good governance principles money can be invested with priorities in economic areas where they can high profit in short time can create a large number of gobs According to the same principles know how transfer events combined with special touristics  products are the best economic activity area where a country can invest with priority ,because money invested monday will bring high profit in friday ,and in the same time create a large number of jobs in ..without creating polution

4) According to good governance principles there is more than 7 differents ways people who works and receive low salaries unemloyed people ,pupils and students aged over 15 and students ,can get more than 700 euro apart of their salarie ,working part -time for different companies from home
Despite the existence of those 7 differents ways to help them win money Spain are not implmnting such projects

5)    Spain Universities and researchers up to know supposed to find solutions in order to transform multicultural advantages  rate in a big source to get billions euro and create millions jobs unfortunatly

6) Because of the high unemployment amongyout aged 15-25 Spain Governement supposed to oblige coleges Gramar schools and Universities to organise know how transfer events  combined with special touristics products and give those young people possibility to work part time engoy live and win money

7 ) Nowadays we have two economies ,one is tending to ZERO and the other is tending to infinnit Taking into consideration that the grandeur of the digital economy which is tending to infinit depends ,apart of others factors ,in a number of world wild people who speaks a language and Spanish is a top 3 most  international the country suppose to be a top 3 world wild digital economy

8) in oder to discouraje immigration Spaiin supose to identify countries which have a high rate immigrations  in their country and then create a project in those countries and give them possibilities in their country to promoe Business opportuniteis which bring more than  25 % profit in less than 75 days ,know how transfer event ,ebooks tools ,touristics products

9) In order to descourage immigration Spain suppose to slect and prepare in countries which have a greate immigrations rate young peope who could present videos about Spain know how transfer events ,touristics products ,and business opportunities which which bring more than  25 % profit in less than 75 days ,

10 ) Spain is a Top Touristic country but unfortunatly he did not Suceed to use this advantage to create millios jobs
11 ) Spanish language is a top 3 most international Spoken but Spain up to now did make what is necessary in order to get billions euro and create millions jobs using this advantage in digital economy

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