Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How Spain majors parties can stop Podemos from wining 2015 elections

Nobody can stop podemos from wining Spain 2015 elections

Spain  moderates parties had demontrate they  did  not even understand what is happening

Given that a major part of what is happening have link with digital sceince and nobody can understant such phenomenons bether than a digital science researcher   i had decided to present Spain moderates parties and the Government different solutions , to stop Podemos from growing and  win 2015 elections

   For this purpose  starting from today  they can do   the following things

As Spain  moderates parties   know that Podemos are presenting different problems but they do not have    solutions to solve what they have been talking about moderates parties can use  an inteligent strategy to make them start  loose credibility
For this purpose they can

13Spain big problems which can make people to revolte and force the Gov to resign

Millions od Spain citizens are so revolted and ready to take strong actions

 A big parte of them are so motivated and they beleave that Podemos can change the political desteny of the people and the country

Until them as Podemos know until October Europe Union  will discuss and negociate hiden interest behind doors ,in order to descouraje them to play those dirty games ,they are going to take strong actions

 This time yhey want to force radical changes in Spain and in the same time oblige new Bruxelles administration to make also the  necessary ones in their admnistration

Taking into consideration that from 25 May until october the new Bruxelles admin will start making negociations behing dors ,Spanish and different EU citizens will take strong actions